Friday, September 14, 2012

Just My-Shelf

Ever since I was a little kid I loved to read.  I remember coming home from school, taking off my pants (because I hate pants, clingy little buggers), lying around in my underwear reading or watching Reading Rainbow.  I ended up marrying a man who owned more books and CDs than clothes and so our old apartment was a giant bookshelf with two couches and a TV.

Inspired by this post at real actual hilary by way of the YA Highway, I thought I would share with you all my book shelveseseses...since there are six of them in my house (full disclosure, one of those shelves is dedicated to my husband's extensive CD collection/Wii game storage/DVDs/ I will spare you the photos of all of that for fear that you will indeed judge us and never want to visit...and trust me...a visit to Stroleman Manor is awesome, we have a Tempurpedic guest bed and I can make a mean monkey bread!)

We bought our house in 2010 and one of the most important things on our "must have" list was a room for all our books.  After we got in the house, we set up our library/office and then...there were still books left we have four rooms in our home with at least one book shelf in it.

These are our office shelves

And these are the shelves in both our guestrooms (unedited, crap and all) 

Gosh, with it all together like this, I feel really nerdy!  If DH and I ever end up missing, look for us underneath one of these shelves.  We have so many books, we even used them as table centerpieces at our wedding.


  1. I love looking at other people's bookshelves! It makes me feel a little less like a book-collecting junkie. :) I posted pics of my shelves too.

    1. I think you have me beat from the look of it :)

  2. Ha! At your wedding! Great idea. And I love your blog title, not to mention your WIP title.

    Yes you do have alotta books! I'm wondering how many books my hubby and I will collect since he's gotten out of the military...

    1. Thanks! My husband was a upset because a few of his friends took some of the books home. We tracked down a few, lol.

  3. Ah! I love it! I love the prominent Harry Potter shelf and the books at the wedding - fantastic!

    1. Thanks! I gave Harry his own shelf in our (prayerfully) future kids room. I started a shelf of kids books for him/her...wishful thinking.

  4. I spy Harry Potter on that white bookshelf! You have quite a collection there. My collection goes back to the library every two weeks ::sniff sniff::, but that's how I keep my reading addiction going on a nothing budget.

    1. That's actually my second set of HP books. I had the paperback, but I gave them to a friend as an excuse to buy a hardcover set. I'm too selfish to ever return a book :)
