Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Welcome Back...welcome back, welcome back, wel-come back....

As Rakim rhymed over Eric B's iconic beat, "Its been a long time.  I shouldn't have left you without a strong rhyme to step to."

Yes, it has been a long time.  So much has happened since my last post.  The most important being that I had two baby boys!  Out of respect for their professional endeavors, I will refrain from posting pictures of them on this blog, but trust me, they are the cutest babies ever to walk this earth.  And, I have no bias when I say that.

But, their journey out of the uterus and into the known world has not been without turmoil and difficulty.  My boys have already gone through more life threatening encounters than most people go through their entire lives and they are only 14 months.  They were born extremely premature, at 25 weeks.  Anyone who knows anything about being pregnant will see this number and know that my boys were pushed out into this world way before they were ready.  It was a stressful and very scary time, but they pulled through and are now pulling themselves up, crawling and trying to walk.

So, as you can imagine, my life has been pretty hectic.  I also decided that my life was not nearly as stressful as it could be, and went back to school after taking a semester off.  I am still writing and still working on my writing.  It would have been easier to give up pursuing my MA, but I felt I needed an outlet for myself, something I could hold on to that allowed me to retain my sense of self and not get wholly wrapped in being a "mother" or a "wife."

And now, I am back to blogging.  The semester is winding down and I plan to take some free time to blog, reluctantly move my body and work out, and continue to take care of my family.  I've got a new perspective on life, on writing, and on what it means to work hard for something.  I hope that the few of you who read my blog will enjoy what I have to say and will stick it out with me through my ups and down. 

Although I doubt that this last hiatus will be my only one, I will try to stay diligent and keep posting when and what I can. 

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